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Our Products
Cheese and Dairy
Meats and Charcuterie
Fish and Seafood
Cooked Chicken & Food Dishes
Bacon, Sausages and Eggs
Vegan Range
Sandwich & Deli Fillings
Gourmet Vegetables, Tomatoes, Pesto and Olives
Soups and Stews
Milk Alternatives
Coffee, Tea, Cocoa & Syrups
Juices and Smoothies
Snacks and Confectionary
Cakes & Bakes
Ice Cream, Desserts & Extras
Potatoes, Grains, Rice, Pasta and Savouries
Tinned Products
Mayonnaise, Spreads and Sauces
Condiments, Oils & Vinegars
Packaging & Cleaning
Cheese and Dairy
Meats and Charcuterie
Fish and Seafood
Cooked Chicken & Food Dishes
Bacon, Sausages and Eggs
Vegan Range
Sandwich & Deli Fillings
Gourmet Vegetables, Tomatoes, Pesto and Olives
Soups and Stews
Milk Alternatives
Coffee, Tea, Cocoa & Syrups
Juices and Smoothies
Snacks and Confectionary
Cakes & Bakes
Ice Cream, Desserts & Extras
Potatoes, Grains, Rice, Pasta and Savouries
Tinned Products
Mayonnaise, Spreads and Sauces
Condiments, Oils & Vinegars
Packaging & Cleaning
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// min size of element (default: 20)
// max size of element (default: 50)
// flake fall time multiplier (default: 20)
// flake fall time difference (default: 10000)
// interval (miliseconds) between new element spawns (default: 500)